Check out this amazing Step-By-Step Captain Marvel mask tutorial by the fabulous Bethany McLean.

Step 1: Start by drawing an 8 point set of straight lines, the diagonals smaller than the cardinal directions. Using a dark brown (like Global Rose Brown seen here) will go along with the shading that comes later.

Step 2: To the left side of each longer line in your star, use the same dark brown for shadow, and then gold to the right. Mehron Gold Metallic Powder mixed with your favorite gold makeup makes a more opaque gold. Sponge a bold blue (Superstar brilliant blue used here) across the cheekbones and bridge of the nose, ending in a straight line that cuts across the corners of the eyes.

Step 3: Finish the star by extending the diagonal lines, and repeating the pattern from the original points. Sponge gold on the eyelid area, and a bright red (Superstar Carmine Red used here) in a gentle triangular shape above the eyebrows. One corner of the red will follow the angle from the star, the other will touch the edge of the blue area.

Step 4: Using a round brush or 3/4″ angle, fill in the remaining eye area with red. Add a wide strip of gold to the top of the red area. Outline the bright blue with a darker blue (Global Dark Blue used here), add lines from each corner of the eye down to the bottom edge for seams on the mask.

Step 5: Using your favorite halftone stencil (Lea Selley’s graffiti eyes used here), add some dots to the peaks of the red area with a darker red (Global Deep Merlot) for that comic book feel. Outline the star with black, and use the black outline to split the gold strip into two lines, similar to her outfit. Add white highlights if desired.

Step 6: Add matching red lips, and gold glitter gel (Amerikan Body Art Liquid Bling in Brilliant Gold) to really make this design pop!

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Here are links to the Art Factory where we sell all of the best face and body art supplies like the ones used in the video: Superstar Face Paint: Art Factory Face Paint Brushes: Sparkling Faces Face Paint Practice Boards: Visit the Art Factory: